Monday 26 September 2011

Book Review {What does ‘LUCK’ stand for?}‏

Dear Readers,

Are you lucky? What does ‘LUCK’ stand for?

Gary Player said “The harder I practice, the luckier I get

What is the essential difference between those who are fortunate and those who are less fortunate in business?

Those who are lucky learn how to take advantage of a situation.

The group that is ‘naturally lucky’ can see the tiniest crack and turn it into a big split while the group which ‘never gets a break’ wouldn’t see the opportunity even if ‘opportunity’ jumps up and down in front of them.

In his book: “What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School”, Mark H. McCormack  has narrated following story about Mr. Good father, who got lucky.

Mr. Good father was a horticulturist who took care of plants and greenery in different offices and companies including Jones & Laughlin steel.

He learnt that Eaton Corporation, another big firm in the area and a big customer of his client, Jone & Laughlin Steel, is moving in his building.

He thought to call person incharge at Eaton office.

Mistakenly he got connected over phone to the person who was really in charge, Chairman and CEO of Eaton Mr. Del DeWindt.

“I take care of all the plants for Jones and Laughlin Steel and I would like to see someone about your accounts” Said Mr. Good father to Mr. Del DeWindt.

The next morning, Mr. Good Father was ushered into a conference room to meet with several high ranking Eaton executives, all of whom had their ‘Jones & Laughlin’ files in front of them.

Once the case of mistaken identity was cleared up, every one had a good laugh and that might be the end of a cute rather pointless story. But as Mr. Good father was leaving, he turned to one of the executives and said: “Now, about your plants……”

He got the account!

Give luck the chance it needs to play itself out in your life. No one can do it for you. As soon as you discover that luck is yours to create, you’ll be thinking and seeing things in a whole new way.

About LUCK, Careersforum says:

L =     Labour
U =     Under
C =      Correct
K =      Knowledge

Look around and find the opportunity. Are we Labouring Under Correct Knowledge?

So work hard, have fun, and Good LUCK.

Keep reading and sharing.

Best Regard,

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