Monday 26 September 2011

Express Gratitude – Let’s be thankful for every thing we have!

‘I don’t have enough money’
‘My life is miserable’
‘I am not happy in this country’
‘Look what’s happening around – its so bad’
Many of such feelings cross our mind at times. However, gratitude is a must. Be thankful all the times. Why? We have eyes to see and a brain to think!
When a saint was complaining of not having shoes, he saw a person not having feet!
When you wake up, say ‘thank’ when putting one foot down from bed and say ‘you’ when putting second feet down. Say ‘Thank you’ again and again and express your feeling of gratitude – its a new day!
‘This is the car I don’t want’
‘This is the house I don’t want’
‘I don’t want this… I don’t want that’
No – Just think of what you have.
Think and Thank!
Thank You – For every thing I have. Enjoy the nice clip and the attached slide show and be happy!

Best Regards,

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