Monday 26 September 2011

The Secret of ‘attracting money’..‏

‘Rich people are bad’.
‘There is no use of having lots of money – money is cause of all evils’
‘Look around – rich people are not happy at all’
‘What is use of so much wealth? After all, no one is going to take his / her wealth with them….’

Have you ever heard the above or words similar to the above?
People consider that having excess money is worthless. As a result, they don’t attract money.
How did Jack Canfield, the best-selling author of ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ became millionaire?
He has narrated his story in the Book; The Secret. Jack Canfield mentions that a person can generate wealth only when he / she truly believes in it.
Visualize that you have wealth. See it daily. Think you already have it.
This does not mean that just thinking about money will bring money.
This means to have faith first. Believe in yourself. Once you remove your ‘mental block’, things will start flowing afterwards.
Once a person has faith and he / she visualizes money, mind will work to bring out ideas which can generate wealth. This will lead to action and money will flow.
Jack Canfield was earning USD 8,000 a year and after visualizing, he earned USD 100,000 a year – His mind generated idea of selling more books to his readers and then he came up with the idea of Chicken Soup for Soul…….
If you think you won’t attract wealth, above ideas are not applicable, it is all joke – it will be all joke!!
But if you believe in it, you will see it happening – Choice is yours!
Remember: If you think you would not have money, you will not have money. If you think you would have money, you will have money.
If you have time, go to some one who has earned a lot in his / her life and ask him / her to narrate their story. Those who earn money, have faith that they will earn money, as a result, they earn!
Don’t blame anybody. Take 100% responsibility. Here is Jack Canfield:
Best Regards,

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