Monday 26 September 2011

Get what you want in three steps!‏

Have you ever noticed that those who speak more about illness, have illness!!! Those who speak more about prosperity, get prosperity.
People talk about more of what they don’t want and as a result, they attract it i.e. what they don’t want.
Thought of the day: Watch your words….
Your thoughts cause your feelings – If your thoughts bring you good feeling, you are on right track. If your thoughts bring you bad feeling, you need to change your track.
Three steps formula:
First step: Ask; make a command to universe – Clear your way and define what you want
Second step: Believe – Believe that you have already received it
Third step: Receive – feel wonderful about it – Feel it now!
The above are a few of the themes from the book ‘THE SECRET’. For other inspirational quotes, watch the video clip (scroll down at the end of the email)
Do you really believe in the above? Have you ever observed this around you?
Here is a small video clip with 101 inspirational quotes (part 1) from The Secret – Courtesy by You Tube:
Best Regards,

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